Jesus the light

The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up.

Matthew 4:16

The true light came to us in the person of Jesus Christ, he came to deliver the captives, to forgive our sins by taking our place on the cross.

Jesus lowered Himself on earth so that we could see this light, and know the perfect plan of God, we have this grace today, to be able to belong to Him and become a child of God, all this is revealed to us by Jesus who enlightens us by his love day after day.

The light pushes the darkness a little light pushes a huge amount of darkness.

Without light there is no life, so that the creation of God can survive it needs the sunlight, but for a child of God to live it needs the light of Jesus.

In heaven we will no longer need the light of the sun because God will be forever with us.

There shall be no night there: They need no lamp nor light of the sun, for the Lord God gives them light. And they shall reign forever and ever.

Revelation 22:5

Light is pure, it has no task, as was Jesus.

The light of our Lord Jesus guides us, it is our lamp to take us out of the darkness of this world, that we may see the kingdom of God.

For the light to be fully propagated, there must be no obstacles, Jesus being the light, he wants to spread all over the earth and in each of our hearts. Let us not resist his call and let him enter into our hearts.

Christians must be the light of this world, they must imitate Jesus Christ.

The Christian must advise his neighbor and have a regulated and orderly life, the world must see the light of Jesus and not let this light lose its brightness by the cares and difficulties of life.

Light and discernment of Christ allow for a clear vision, can make the difference between good and evil, because today we live in a world where more and more evil is called good.

Every day we need the light of God, of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

Jesus has come to save us from perdition, he provides us with the means to follow Him every day by means of His word, and of His Holy Spirit who is our light, it is He who leads us. It is the same spirit that Jesus Christ had with him when he was on earth, so Christ is with us all the days of our lives.

God manifested his love for us by the coming of his son Jesus, Jesus took our sins on the cross, he paid the price of our sins by offering himself as a sacrifice for us.

That is why today we can have access to God the Father through Jesus Christ our light.

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